Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January 24, 2012 - Much Better

As bad as yesterday was, diet wise, that's how good today was.  After 24 days of this year everyone can plainly see how imperfect I am when it comes to taking care of myself.  I don't think I'm different from anyone else out there.  What is so important for me is to follow up that "bad" day with a good one.  I know I'm "beating a dead horse" with that statement, however, it cannot be understated.  Any chance of a flare up must be avoided.  My lousy diet on Monday brought about a night of being in the bathroom...all night long.  Basically, when that happens, I give my intestines the next day off or as many days as needed until they are back to being healthy. 

After a really light breakfast, I headed over to the vet with Lulu for a weigh in.  She just turned 1 and is growing every day.  All dog medicine is dispensed based on their weight.  After the vet I ran a bunch of errands.  Once home, I had a Myoplex Lite shake.  In the middle of the afternoon I went for a run.  What a day out today!  55 degrees, blue sky and sun.  Unbelievable for January 24th in New Jersey.  Just a couple of light shirts and shorts and 3.5 miles later I headed back home for another shake.  Every little thing I do helps me to stay relatively healthy but if I had to pick 1 thing that is the most important, it is the shakes.  Not eating food when my intestines need a break gives them a chance to heal.  In the past, when I was in the middle of a flare up, I would dread sitting down to eat because I knew the pain that would be associated with eating.  I don't even think twice about having a shake because there is never pain associated with it.  I'm getting all of the nutrition I need and at the same time my intestines don't have to work.

Grilled burgers for dinner.  I know a lot of people with Crohn's have problems with proteins, but, for me, as long as I don't have too much (especially steak), I'm usually pretty good.  By the end of the day, I was feeling completely back to normal.  A total of just 1400 calories, of which 600 came from shakes did the trick.

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